
Peppermint Shrimp

Also known  Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp, the peppermint shrimp is part of the "cleaner" shrimp family, but is considered to be more of a scavenger.The Peppermint Shrimp is a very popular shrimp because of its desire to eat nuisance glass anemones (Aiptasia). These Shrimp are very easy to care for and prefer to be kept in groups. They should be fed daily and will not harm other shrimp. Peppermint Shrimp grow very quickly and will molt regularily. These Shrimp have been known to spawn in aquariums. It will not tolerate copper or high levels of nitrates in the aquarium. It will also require iodine for proper molting of its carapace. These Shrimp have been known to spawn in aquariums. They are a great addition to any tank and do best when kept in groups.


$12.95 2 lot
$27.95 5 Lot
$38.75 10 Lot
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