Banded Goby
Inhabits sandy or rubble areas of subtidal reef flats and lagoons and constructs a burrow under a rock or rubble. Feeds by sifting mouthfuls of sand and expelling it through the gills, to capture small invertebrates, organic matter, and large quantities of algae Aquarium Care:Has a temperature range of 72 - 86°F (22 - 30°C) and natural diet consists mainly of benthic invertebrate and some algae. Requires a varied diet, i.e., enriched brine shrimp, mysis, finely chopped fish or shrimp flesh, and some algae/small amounts of Spirulina flake, with one or two feedings per day. They should be housed in aquariums with a sandbed of at least two inches in depth and not housed with aggressive fishes such as groupers, dottybacks, triggerfishes or angelfishes. Small sinking enriched shrimp meal pellets are an excellent way of keeping them well fed. A good sand sifter. One to an aquarium unless a male-female pair. May damage zoanthids. A known consumer of flat worms.